Vendor Day
April 23 2023
2:00 - 5:00pm
Please join us for an afternoon of shopping for plants, accessories, art, and baked goods! We have assembled a variety of local vendors for convenient, one stop shopping. Many of these vendors are usually by appointment only, so this is a great opportunity to purchase from these businesses.
Family run nurseries from Illinois offering hosta and companion plants. Avalon Acres is located on a 10 acre hill nestled among hundreds of large red and white oak trees in south central Illinois. Hostas on the Bluff is situated on top of the French Village bluffs overlooking the St. Louis skyline and river valley.
Hostas on the Bluff
Hosta gardening needs such as slug repellent, fertilizer, gloves, and tools. Need something in particular? Contact them prior to the sale and they will bring it for you.
Graphic designer who uses paper casting to create intricate original molds from live flower and nature objects. Her creations make perfect gifts for family and friends.
Connie Copley
One of a kind composition jewelry features
pieces designed and reimagined from vintage Bakelite, Celluloid, and Lucite findings.
Work skills reintegration program for ex-offenders that offers paid, on-the-job training in a commercial bakery. Sells delicious cookies, muffin tops, pies, cakes, and famous Bear Candy.